Monday, June 13, 2011

Top 10: Things And People To Avoid In The Gym

Things And People To Avoid In The Gym:

10. The Hot Chick 

9. The Big Men's Dumbbells

8. Pink Dumbbells

7. The Leg Extension

6. The Smith Machine

5. BOSU Balls & Circus Tricks

4. Power Plates

3. Gadget Man

2. Show-Offs

All men who inhabit the gym more than a little bit have something of the peacock in them. When the pretty girl walks past we can’t help but subtly flex something or put an extra 20 kilograms on the bar. However, some characters are far worse than others. Please don’t get sucked into the poundage game with the moron who lives on the bench press, bounces the bar off his chest as if his sternum was a trampoline, and lifts his arse so high up the bench it looks like he is being pleasured by an invisible woman. 

Good lifting form is always paramount and you are not in the gym to impress your mates -- most of you are there to get the best results possible so that when you leave the gym you impress potential mates. There is a difference. Think about it.

1. People Who Are At The Gym To Make Friends

If your training takes more than an hour, you are socialising more than you are working out. In between sets keep your head down, your mind focused and take note that cortisol levels rise and testosterone levels drop off a cliff if you try to push a weight training session much past the hour mark.

p/s: The Real Workout


lowkey said...

amboi smenjak 2 menjak ni bnyk post psl gym nmpk?

mst katang da ni

Rafa Runny said...

ahahaha.mana ada wey...aku x mcm kau, gedang dewa...