Friday, October 8, 2010

Cigarette prices up again?

Naik lagi harga rokok? Erghhh, eventhough naik only 70 cents, rasa berat jer nak keluarkan duit sebab to me it is quite expensive compared than 2007 - 2009, harga around 6.80 je.. Dunhill 20 sekarang dah 10 bucks, dulu murah jer. Tapi Dunhill x best, kena Pall Mall Menthol jugak.

I realize that, eventhough government buat macam2 campaign since 10 years ago, yet Malaysian people still x ambik kisah about this. Lepas pack of 14 xda,diaorg naikkan harga, den buat pulak gambar2 yang konon2 menakutkan bagai, x jugak berhasil, now price dah naik pun still ramai jer yang beli. So Malaysian people, what do we need to do to quit smoking?What should we do to not buy cigarettes.? xkan nak tunggu semua kotak rokok ada gamabar yang lagi horror? Cuba comparekan Singapore punya advert dgn Malaysia punya..



  I'm not saying that Singapore has the best ads,but diorang punya gambar lagi horror dari Malaysia. Xtaula u guys punya opinion macamana kan..Doesn't mean kalau ads tu masuk Malaysia, akau pun stop. Memang tak la kot. Unless if Harga rokok naik let say pack of 20, RM12 for Pall Mall Menthol. Sooner or later confirm harga mcmtu jugak, but maybe in the next 3 years kot. Just wait and see.

Pelik jugak tgk budak kecik sekarang pun dah pandai smoke. Kalau Secondary School tu bole consider, but for Primary School student pun dah pandai nak start hisap rokok. Gila ke apa? Kitaorg yang university student pun berat rasa nak keluar duit beli rokok, ni kan lagi korang yang still under age. Parents bagi duit to make sure all of u beli makan, bukan rokok.

Beliau Sangat Cool

Hebat la awak ni. Rasanya adik ni still tadika kot.

Nak kata influence dari kawan pun xboleh, most probably ni mesti influence from his surrounding kot. Maybe his dad, uncle or siapa2 jer..Anyway, he's so fucking cool dude..

This One Pun Quite Cool
5 stages before nak mati, ni la sign2 yang cool. But this thing won't happen punya..ahahaha..I learned Dissonance Cognitive Theory, and it's about people perception towards smoking and eventhough tengok iklan rokok yang scary pun, they all still rasa yang it does not bring or make any effect towards them..Best actually belajar about that theory. Same goes to Malaysian people, mind set diaorg dah mcmtu, and no one can stop them..

So, as a conclusion, pihak2 tertentu silalah buat something yang betul2 boleh turunkan percentage Smokers in Malaysia sampai jadi below 50%..=D

p/s: Rasa nak stop, tapi tunggu Pall Mall Menthol naik harga sampai 12 bucks kot..Selagi belum 10 bucks, selagi tu la saya still dapat hidup and bernyawa..hehehe..